I am a Boston family documentary photographer, but travel anywhere within New England. I believe every family has their own special and unique story to tell, and I would love to help you capture yours.
Since my work honors the real and honest of family life, here’s 5 real and honest (and somewhat random) things about me.
- I have two feisty girls that are growing up SO fast, and continue to keep me on my toes (and perpetually exhausted). I treasure the pictures of when they were little. I miss those snuggly days, but I don’t long to go back or wish I could stop time. I LOVE watching my kids grow up. Each new age has its share of fun and challenges…but way more fun than challenges (so far).
- My husband is an awesome guy that everyone loves. He’s also super understanding (for the most part) when I make expensive purchases without telling him.
- I am on a quest to find the perfect tote bag. It’s a bit of an obsession, and I have bought way too many on this mission for the perfect one. If anyone has any recommendations, please let me know as the search is still ongoing. #totebagsforchristine
- I am an introvert and an extrovert. So maybe I’m an introverted extrovert? Or is it an extroverted introvert? Is that even a thing? Regardless, I straddle both of these worlds. Although I will happily start up conversations with random people that I do not know, I crave being at home and the quiet. This time recharges me like nothing else. This also means that during sessions I can adapt to any family’s dynamic. Is your home’s entrance like a revolving door? Is your family (or friends and neighbors) rolling in and out of the house all day long? Or does your family like to keep things low key? Maybe you prefer to spend the day playing games, making crafts or reading together? However you would describe your family, during your session I will match my approach to YOUR family’s personality.
- Asking my kids to wear certain clothes or pose for my camera just never felt right for them or me, so I stopped. I embraced us being us and discovered that our story and our life “as is” is way more interesting, and pretty awesomely beautiful too.
I bet your family “as is” is pretty amazing too, and I would love to show you…